Betta with suspected internal bacteria


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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I'll cut straight to the point.
Hanging near the surface
Ragged fins (but this might be to do with his habit of swimming into the filter)

I've got salt in the water at the moment, but I'm not sure I won't be able to get meds until tomorrow or Tuesday. Will he be OK until then?
Bettas are usually hang at the top, if it's listless I might want to check the temperature (raise it if possible), is he still eating (if he's not there might be a problem). It's difficult to tell if these simptoms are a problem or just a mood swing due to soem change in enviroment (weather change, temperature, cleanliness). Or if it's a female I might say it's just PMS, haha.
How raggy are the fins you might need to use anti internal bacteria med.
He's a lot better today. I'm thinking Toadfish was right, I did a water change on Saturday, and he was fine before that. But I did another one yesterday, with warmer water, and made sure I added dechlor and mixed it in, and added salt. He was hanging around to start with, but then started swimming around a bit more. And I think he's just lazy, manys the time I've walked in to see him on top of the heater, tapped the glass and he's hardly moved.... scares the heck out of me.
Good to see that some of you are opting for natural cures, eg salt and heat. My gourami friend had 'hole in the head' disease, an internal intestinal tract bacterial infection which caused her many ulcers. I successfully treated her by increasing the temperature to 32 degrees Celsius, and her skin healed very rapidly and she was a happy chappy. A word of caution however, not every breed of fish can tolerate heat, corydora catfish doen't do well with heat. Anglefish get beads of sweat on their forheads but can tolerate it. It would do well to increase the heat slowly one degree per day and just observe it they respond well or not. If they do not respond well you will notice how they swim and rest near the glass or the surface where the water cools of slowly.
Porthious the Gourami

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