Betta With Sore Or Ulcer On His Side

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Fish Crazy
Sep 8, 2009
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My betta has developed an ulcer or a sore on his side. He is in a 48 litre tank with six khuli loaches and I have had him for about 15 months. Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate about 15. This is what it looked like six days ago:

Butters 17.01.JPG

I treated the water with Myxazin as it says it treats ulcers and sores. I started the treatment Monday and the final dose was yesterday. Tomorrow is water change day but he doesn't look any better. In fact it has gotten bigger:

Butters 22.01.JPG

He doesn't swim about at all, he just spends all his time hanging about at the top of the tank not really moving. He is still eating though. Does anyone know what this is and what I could do?

Many thanks for your help.
It doesn't seem to be an issue with the aquarium environment that seems to be causing it. Do the loaches have any sores, ulcers or lesions at all? It could just be that the fish itself is prone to attracting illness and maybe has a weaker immune system. If the other fish aren't affected I'd move him into a hospital tank if you haven't already so that the others don't have unnecessary exposure to meds.

How long have the ulcers taken to fully develop to the stage they are at now? I'd just make sure that the water is clean by a couple of 15-20% or so waterchanges a week.

A quick salt bath, might help clear up the wound. Just be careful not to mix the salt bath with treatments, even after as too much treatment without a "cooldown" period of a couple of days can be a bit overwhelming for the fish.

- He's a really nice looking fish! All the best.
Thanks for your help. I have put him into a hospital tank as his sore got worse. I made a thread in the emergencies section of the board as well. His sore is now beginning to look better, but he is showing some pineconing.

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