betta with neon tetra's?


New Member
Apr 3, 2005
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I currently have a very nice betta in a 2 gallon hexagon tank complete with heating and undergravel filtration, just wondering would 2 neon tetra's be good tank mates with a betta?
not in a tank that small, unfortunately. a betta is about all that you can have in that tank. :D
newfishies said:
not in a tank that small, unfortunately. a betta is about all that you can have in that tank. :D
you know what I will give it a try anyways, the neons in my lfs are $1.99 for 2 so if they die ah well...... B) as long as betta is alive its all that matters :D
Bad idea. I have one betta that had his fins shredded by being in with neon tetras at Walmart. GRRR. Tetras are bad fin nippers IMO.
I wouldnt bother even if the fish are only 1.99 you might as wel not bother as more than likely one of the fish will get hurt or endup dead :crazy:
germanshepherdlver said:
I wouldnt bother even if the fish are only 1.99 you might as wel not bother as more than likely one of the fish will get hurt or endup dead :crazy:
alright I won't do it, I wont risk my beautiful betta getting killed, as I just realized it is a halfmoon betta. But what other small fish could I put with him? would 1 fancy guppy be ok?

(Excuse me for my ignorance, I am very new to keeping fish)


Male fancy guppies are not a good idea either. They are very colorful and the betta will often go after them. I have two females in with my betta, but they have more subdued colors and he doesn't bother them. You are really limited with a tank that small. Zebra danios are small, but you need about six of them and your tank could not comfortably hold that many.
alright, I wont do it at all. If I will do it, I will have to upgrade my tank and I will have to consult my landlord on that if he will allow it.

But if I do get a larger tank what compatiable tankmates can I put with the betta?

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