Betta With Honey Gourami?


Fish Crazy
Mar 29, 2010
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Can betta live happy with Honey Gourami? As I always loved the honey as I have them in my main tank :) but was thinking of getting another 10g tank to place a betta and honeys if compatible? replies will be most welcomed :good:
Not too sure about male Betta. But I had female bettas w/ dwarf flame Gourami in a heavily planted 30 gallon. Female bettas just stay away from the Gourami.
It's generally not recommended. Due to the bright color of the Gourami a male Betta may look at it as a threat/competitor. Although that is just based on my own research on a community Betta tank...I can say from experience that I had a Betta with other peaceful fish and ended up with a killer Betta. If you want to try it just make sure you have another tank ready to go just in case.
From experience, No, i put a honey in with my females (i adopted the gourami) and they went straight for him, despite him being in a breeder for 2 weeks and being ignored
In my opinion it depends on the size of your tank and the personality of your fish! I break all the rules with my bettas. I have two males living peacefully together in with 27 females. There is also a large female angel and a large female moonlight gourami. There used to be a male lavender gourami and pearl gouramis in with them too,- but they died off over the last year. I'd had them many years so it was probably old age. None of them have ever been aggressive towards each other. Their tank is heavily planted and 260 litres. :)
Can betta live happy with Honey Gourami? As I always loved the honey as I have them in my main tank :) but was thinking of getting another 10g tank to place a betta and honeys if compatible? replies will be most welcomed :good:

They are very compatible in large aquaria. For instance, I have 4 honey gourami and 1 male and female Betta together in my 140g. How big is your tank? Honey gourami shouldn't be in anything smaller than a 30 gallon tank IMO.

male bettas should be housed alone.
Actually that's not true. But no Bettas cannot go with any Gourami

Betta's can happily co-exist with pearl and honey gourami as long as the tank is big enough.
Can betta live happy with Honey Gourami? As I always loved the honey as I have them in my main tank :) but was thinking of getting another 10g tank to place a betta and honeys if compatible? replies will be most welcomed :good:

They are very compatible in large aquaria. For instance, I have 4 honey gourami and 1 male and female Betta together in my 140g. How big is your tank? Honey gourami shouldn't be in anything smaller than a 30 gallon tank IMO.

male bettas should be housed alone.
Actually that's not true. But no Bettas cannot go with any Gourami

Betta's can happily co-exist with pearl and honey gourami as long as the tank is big enough.

Thank's for all the info :) just come back from a friends that I know and have kept and breeds betta and she loves honey gourami with betta for over 15 years and as a nice room with 8 tanks and all are happy with a few species of gourami. but she did say all depends on size of the tank and the deco and plant's. But will not be putting any in my betta tank as it's only 5g, so looking I will be buying another tank :)

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