Betta with gardneri


New Member
Oct 7, 2020
Reaction score
New Orleans
I have a betta in a 15 gallon with some guppies. My LFS got some gardneri killifish and I was planning on moving the guppies and getting the gardneri and putting it with the betta.
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Hello and welcome :hi:

It looks like you’ve not quite finished your posts about your betta and guppies :lol:

Perhaps you may like to elaborate a bit more on your query about gardneri killifish and hopefully we’ll be able to help with some advice.
From what I gathered from the post It looks like he/she was going to move the guppies from the 15 gallon that are currently with the betta and put a gardneri in with the betta. I am not sure what else would be helpful. I do know some bettas don't get along with other fish.
Killifish are way too aggressive for betta, leave the betta alone.
I have kept bettas with golden wonder killifish which are pretty agressive and had no problems.
Betta's are not community fish and shouldn't be treated as such, I'm afraid. They may appear to 'get along' with other fish in your tank, but it's always a ticking time bomb that we're not aware of. In the end, either the betta with kill all of the other fish in the tank or die itself from stress weakening it's immune system. Betta's are best living alone, despite what YouTubers may recommend

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