Betta With Fry Update

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Fish Gatherer
Nov 28, 2006
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well as some of ya no i tryed putting a betta in with fry. they were platy fry not guppies. the betta never chased them or nipped at them. hse peacfully swims next to them and kinda hangs out with them. altho he is trying to eat my pond snails in there. just to update and my other post was closed caus of somepeople dont like what i do with my fish. one likes whenever I experiment with my fish and you know what, I don't really care. It's not like it's impossible to happen. What ever happens happens. So you do the same, don't worry what people are going to say. And of course in reply to the platy fry and betta, that's good to hear. How many do u have with him? Like recently, I told everyone in the catfish section that I added a catfish with my betta. Eveeryone's saying to take him out and he's going to eat him etc. etc. I did listen to them and removed him only because I don't want him to die(betta). But I was reluctant to because they were happy. one likes whenever I experiment with my fish and you know what, I don't really care. It's not like it's impossible to happen. What ever happens happens. So you do the same, don't worry what people are going to say. And of course in reply to the platy fry and betta, that's good to hear. How many do u have with him? Like recently, I told everyone in the catfish section that I added a catfish with my betta. Eveeryone's saying to take him out and he's going to eat him etc. etc. I did listen to them and removed him only because I don't want him to die(betta). But I was reluctant to because they were happy.
Matty, it wasn't just a case of your Betta getting attacked, it was the fact that you kept your Pictus in a tank that was far too small for him! :/
hey, this is my topic! lol thats alright.
anyway i have 3 small platys (golden twinbar) they are really small though and i amagian the betta could eat him if he wanted to. but they look like they are almost friends or something. just to add he really doesnt like pond snails! he crushed it to pieces.
matty and fish dude , fools like you are what gives fishkeeping a bad name , you should be ashamed of yourselves .You CLEARLY do not have the welfare of your fish in mind
and louise you rat, you dont have the decentcy to shut ur mouth. We raise fish different from you. Eh I'm 14, I don't live in my own home making my own money or I would have tons and tons of tanks right now and a full betta barrcks system. So b4 u go ranting on ppl about their fishkeeping, keep your mouth quiet and that prevents me blowing up like this :) Have a nice day
if it was me i wouldn't keep bettas with platy fry.But thats my opinion.aslong as they get on they should be fine,for now.But if ou see any aggression take one of them out.
Louise matty did say he is upgrading the pictus to a biger tank so why are you still be horible to him,And afishdude i think what your doing is ok as long as they are all getting on.

and louise you rat, you dont have the decentcy to shut ur mouth. We raise fish different from you. Eh I'm 14, I don't live in my own home making my own money or I would have tons and tons of tanks right now and a full betta barrcks system. So b4 u go ranting on ppl about their fishkeeping, keep your mouth quiet and that prevents me blowing up like this :) Have a nice day

I feel it is not so much the incompatibility of your fish that is giving 'young' fish keepers a bad name it could well be the manner in which you present the fact that you are basically conducting in essence a lab-rat experiment with the living creatures you own.

I have a betta in with my platys i have four sunset this in itself is termed bad fishkeeping as these fish are not technically compatible. However i was advised that it may be okay depends on the fish. They haven't had any fry yet as it is a fairly new tank so none of the fry have been eaten obviously. I can understand your point about the money issue. I also think it's a space one too - some of us do not want to own more than one fish tank. Yet i think it's safe to say that you clearly do not care what happens with your guppys and your betta - that to me is the main issue.

As for breeding platy fry to kill them...everybody knows that platy will breed without you having control over it. In the wild it wouldn't take much imagining to see that a platys fry are undoubtedly killed mostly by other fish and this is why they like other animals in such a situation do, produce many many young in the hope that some will survive. So this is not an animal wellfare issue to me - it's simply a re-enactment of nature you're just replacing the fish that would kill the fry in the wild with a betta that may possiby not kill the fry.
14 years old , that explains it .and you evidently dont keep fish , you breed them to KILL THEM

No offence meant but there are some decent 14 year olds out there that actually don't breed to kill fish? :unsure:

As for these 2 guys,

matty: Would you even know how to set up barracks if you don't even know what size tanks your fish needs like your pitcus? Just because you SAID you were going to upgrade the tank doesn't mean you would have. This isn't some place where you swear on your life that you will do whatever you said you will do. & telling Louise to shut her mouth because she lacks decency shows that you have much less decency than she does considering she's not making fun of your name or anything of the sort. Your "blowing up" on people just shows your immaturity and proves everything Louise has said about you is right. Making excuses for everything people tell you isn't going to help you or your fish so before you decide to act cool or whatever you're trying to do, it isn't working because it's just making you look bad. & you thought your catfish and your betta were happy together. How could you tell? Just because your betta is swimming around or whatever it did it doesn't mean it was happy. Your catfish could've been terrorizing it while you were gone and just because your betta may have enough space to hide in/escape through, doesn't mean you can just say they were happy together.

afishdude: If you think that people would've yelled at considering they already did in the last thread I wouldn't even have made this one if I were you. If you're actually going to do a "diary" or something, do it offline. At least people will stop flaming you which is obviously too late to have stopped. Just because your betta doesn't show "emotions" on his face doesn't mean you can just assume it's happy with the platies and they're best friends. If people are constantly telling you the same thing over and over again that's because you asked a question in your last thread and they knew the answer to it from experience and you just decide to ignore it because you don't like what you heard.

if it was me i wouldn't keep bettas with platy fry.But thats my opinion.aslong as they get on they should be fine,for now.But if ou see any aggression take one of them out.
Louise matty did say he is upgrading the pictus to a biger tank so why are you still be horible to him,And afishdude i think what your doing is ok as long as they are all getting on.


Louise wasn't only telling matty off because of the bigger tank. It's because they experiment with their fish and think it's right. If you exaggerate it, it's like you want to know what will happen when you put a person in a piranha tank because you want to see if they're compatable. Just because they don't notice the guy at first doesn't mean they won't attack him later on.
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