Betta with Fin Rot


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Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 10, 2024
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A week or 2 ago I moved my Betta to college with me. About half a week after he was moved in I noticed he had some holes in his fins. Now the edges of his tail fin is jagged but otherwise he is acting and eating normal. During the move I kept the water so there wouldn't be a huge change in water parameters right away. I moved him in the cup he came in and while he was being moved he lost all of his color and had stress stripes. When I noticed he had fin rot I did a water change started dosing Melafix as well as putting salt in the water during the water change. It's been about half a week since the start of the treatment and he doesn't seem to be recovering. If anyone has any advice I would be happy to hear it so I can try to save my Betta.

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