Betta with Fin Rot - Maybe not???


Swim with the Fishes
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Mt. Holly, NC
I have posted about this fish before. I have been treating for fin rot for over 2 weeks now and still no results. The water parameters are still perfect so that isn't an issue. Since he appears to be fine (eats good, color hasn't changed at all) other than he almost doesn't have a dorsal fin or tail anymore, I am of the opinion that fin rot isn't the problem. His bottom fin (pardon my ignorance as to the proper name) has no damage and is fine. There is also no black edges or anything on his tail and fin. It's just like they dwindling away. Even though there isn't anything in the tank except the filter, heater (has only been in a week to raise temp for medication), air bar (went in same time as heater) and a live plant, I am now of the opinion that he is somehow tearing his fin and tail. Does that sound logical? He does like to swim under the filter and then come back in behind it but there aren't any sharp edges on it. I think that is his play ritual. The other betta that was in the same type tank (2.5 mini bow with whisper 10 filter) never had any problems. He has been moved to a 5 gallon tank now. I am considering taking the filter, heater and airstone out of his tank and just doing daily water changes to control the ammonia and nitrite. If I do that, what portion WC should I do each day? I am open to all suggestions. Thanks for your help.
Sorry for your problems - yikes!
I can relate, we have neverending fin troubles at my house, too but not to this extent.

First of all, what type of intake does the filter system have? Is it possible that he loves to "stick" himself to the intake tube and let the suction keep him there? It could be that his fins are being literally sucked into the intake tube right off of him.

Another thing that could be is that he could be really irritated by something (and this has happened several times to me and some of my boys) and he's eating his own tail off. In my experiences, though, I've only ever seen one of them take hunks off, not the whole thing.

Can you post a photo?
And what type of filter.

One thing I would suggest right off is that if you have the type of intake that has long slits and sucks the water in there, either get a piece of filter sponge and shove it down into that area or put the foot of a new nylon over it w/a rubber band around the top to hold it in place. That way at least the fins won't get sucked in anymore. IF that is even the problem...?
The actual pump on these filters is small and the intake is only about 4 or 5 little 3/4" long slots. I doubt there is enough suction there to do any damage, especially since I have the flow turned as low as it can go. The water comes out in a mere trickle. This is just so frustrating. Bettamomma, I don't know how you keep your sanity having to constantly treat your fish.
Who said I have my sanity? :shifty:

If I were you, here is what I would try...
I would still get a piece of filter sponge (you'll have to get creative here) - I went to the lfs and bought a replacement sponge piece to go onto a sponge filter and cut it up - then stick it down into the place where the slots are. You might be surprised.

I"m not sure how you have your tank set up either, but I would also try to diffuse the trickle into the tank. Amos HATED the water trickling into the tank, and it was just a mere trickle. I never would have guessed it would have been that big of a problem, but who knew....

I know there was a post on here about someone having taken a piece of really thin plasticy-stuff and sort of making a cylinder around the filter so the trickle only hit the surface of the water inside that cylinder. I'd try both of those at the same time. Lots of bettas just despise current.

Also, are you using stresscoat, salt, anything to aid in his fins growing back?
BettaMomma said:
I would still get a piece of filter sponge You might be surprised.

I"m not sure how you have your tank set up either, but I would also try to diffuse the trickle into the tank.

Also, are you using stresscoat, salt, anything to aid in his fins growing back?
As far as putting the spounge around it, I will try that. I'm almost think maybe the rubber suction cup that holds the filter in place may be part of the problem. I had considered trying to make some sort of enclosure for the filter that went from the bottom all the way to the surface so he couldn't get under it or behind it.

As for the trickle, I have tried about everything from leaving the water down so that there was a slight trickle to get some aeration and I have also had the tank completely full so that the water was above the filter so the water just flows in. Neither way creates much current.

I do use Stress Coat but nothing else escept the medication. I'ust like t get the deterioration stopped for now. Since he doesn't have any black edges and his fin and tail look kind of mangled, I have pretty much ruled out the fin rot. From what I am reading it seems that fin rot generally kind of eats the fins away more evenly rather than shreded and torn.

I am seriously considering buying a 10 gallon tank and getting an undergravel filter for it. Until I started medicating him, I had never had heaters in my bettas tanks. The temp stays around 76 without them anyway. I could use the UGF and no heater and there wouldn't be anything in the tank (other than some real plants) for him to tear his tail/fins on. How's that for an excuse to buy another tank? And in a 10 gallon, I could get him a couple corys for tankmates too.
lol - like your way of thinking.
However, I don't think I would upgrade him to a bigger tank. That could be even more disastrous and stressful for him, I think.
My guess is that he has been eating his tail off because he's stressed about something - and if I had to guess, it's probably that filter. Try the few steps to minimize the current in there and see if that makes a difference.

I'd also get some aquarium salt.
If you have a WalMart near you, you can get it there - it comes in a little pink & white carton called Dr. Wellfishes' Aquarium Salt. I think it costs around $1.32. (WELL worth it) - put as much in as it says on the carton for your tank. Salt does wonders for ailing fish.
I have some Dr. Wellfish salt but haven't used it yet. Was hoping the meds would solve the problem. I will give that a try though.
Salt is always a good thing to try right along with meds.
I used to be terrified to use salt, but now I wouldn't be caught without it on hand! :)

Good luck, lemme know how it goes!

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