Betta with dropsy? Please help


New Member
Dec 11, 2021
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Hi, I fear my male betta has dropsy, but I really can't tell. I don't understand if the scales are "pine-coning" or not. Fish is behaving normally other than resting on leaves more than usual.

I've tried to starve him as much as possible, I've given him epsom salt baths, fed him shelled green peas, etc. I did a 50% water change last night (hence Ni/Na/Ammonia readings prob low), but the swelling only seems to get bigger. Pictures attached below - any help appreciated.

To note: he has had some mild stomach swelling before, but this has always gone down after a small dosing of the whole tank with epsom salts. This time it has continued getting worse, and I've given him a few concentrated epsom salt baths, which haven't made any difference.

Tank size: 350 litres
tank age: 6 months
pH: 6.5
ammonia: I think pretty close to 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
kH: 40
gH: 160
tank temp: 26 celsius

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 25-35% every 2 weeks

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: None

Tank inhabitants: Male guppies, red + black phantom tetras, cardinal tetras, 2 x pearl gourami, bn pleco

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): None

Exposure to chemicals: None

Digital photo (include if possible):


  • IMG_20230515_212702095.jpg
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  • IMG_20230515_212726997.jpg
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What does his poop look like, how is he swimming, is he eating, are his scales starting to stick out? It could be swim bladder disease which fish can survive from but they will swim weird for the rest of their lives, but they won’t be in pain.
What does his poop look like, how is he swimming, is he eating, are his scales starting to stick out? It could be swim bladder disease which fish can survive from but they will swim weird for the rest of their lives, but they won’t be in pain.
Hi, thanks.

As above, he is swimming absolutely fine, so I don't think it's swim bladder disease. He is eating happily whatever I give him.

I can't see any poop...

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