Betta Wit Other Fishy Help!


New Member
Feb 28, 2006
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ok i got like a 5gal tank (not sure but i noe it alest 5gal) just wanna noe wat would be a good community tank, either wit male or female, thx.
ohh yah im trying to do like a planted tank but not so much plant just some java and other plants.
Hi Sky,

:hi: to TFF!!! You might want to check out this link:

With only a 5 gallon tank, you might only be able to add 2-3 more fish if any at all. For every gallon of water in your tank, you should only have 1 inch of fish. So if you had a fish that is 2 inches, then you could only have 3 more inches of fish in your tank.
Bettas don't get along with most other fish very well, and with only 5 gallons of water, you don't have many choices. This is actually a common question to come up on this forum. I think the most common suggestion is to add one or two african dwarf frogs (not african clawed frogs, they get large and would eat your betta).

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