Betta Water


New Member
Sep 19, 2009
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i have purchased 4 hm bettas off of aquabid for a heavy price so i want to do everything right in terms of their tanks......right now i have a 90litre community tank set up..
and we are buying a 240litre tank to move our community fish into wich leaves me with the 90 litre tank wich i am going to divide for the bettas.....heres the catch......we are about to move and dont want to have to move 2 large full im thinking if i buy 4 separate of the netted fish catchments that hang from the side of your tank should that be alright in the meantime?????? and then once we move i can set up their tank and introduce them to it???? im just worried the water isnt going to be perfect for them.....the temp is at 26 degrees or 78 fahrenheit. and the ph is about 7.3 (i cant seem to get it any lower?????) does this sound suitable for betta fish?????? thank you!!! and any other advice would be great!
7.3 is fine! My bettas do fine in a much higher pH than that. 78 is a bit cool, but not too bad temporarily. How long until you move? You really don't want them in little breeding traps for too long. Maybe you could ask the person you bought them from to hold on to them until you move?
This is a suggestion, your new tank will have to cycle, pain in the butt really it is. Your old tank won't ever have to see another cycle as long as you keep the same filter and water from it when you move. Temp, what I would do is get a few jars, not sure if these are grown out or not that you are getting the jar will depend on what size they are bigger is better yes but this is only temp. Setup your tank when cycling the tank set the jars in the tank and don't fill the water in the tank past the rim of the jar. Cycle your tank as normal. This way you can keep them all individually seperate feed them individually and keep them heated in the mean time. This is only a temp solution to your madness here. Really see if your transhipper will hold them for ya usually they will because they know you spent alot of money on them
Also, for cycling the new tank for the bettas, put some media from the old filter in the new filter and it'll cycle much faster. You'll still have to feed it ammonia though.
it will probably only be for a week.....i was wondering if it would help speed up cycling if i did a large water change in my already existing tank and used the water taken from that and used it in the tank that needs to cycle????just a thought.....but yah it will only be a very short time proabbly no more than a week and a half......

and i will definatly use some media from my cycled tank that is a great idea!
the water wont help your cycle, your used bacteria/meda will.

a week might be pushing it though, but i suppose it could be done. what filters are running each tank?
it will probably only be for a week.....i was wondering if it would help speed up cycling if i did a large water change in my already existing tank and used the water taken from that and used it in the tank that needs to cycle????just a thought.....but yah it will only be a very short time proabbly no more than a week and a half......

and i will definatly use some media from my cycled tank that is a great idea!

I would do what was suggested about the cycling use old media, it really does help, but a week thats pushing it hmmm maybe. I have never been that lucky except in a planted tank. If its only going to be for a week I would say jar them, and use water from your cycled tank for the water changes in the jars :) till your tank is done cycling, the only thing is you need to heat the water somehow when keeping them in jars temp. I could show you a picture of how I do mine, but my setup requires a tank water and heater and individual jars that fit in the tank.

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