Betta Vs Cardinal


Fish Fanatic
Mar 6, 2005
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
I've asked in a few places about keeping a male betta with other fish, and for the most part their seems to be general concesnsus of what will (of should), and what will not make a good tank mate, with the exception of cardinal tetra. I've got very divided replies from a few sources.

I know my LFS keep male betta in tanks with cardinals, and they all look very health, and the shop are fairly renowned for breeding their own betta, so I guess they know what they're doing.

So what do you guys think about keeping betta and cardinals together? If it makes any difference, I'm running a 45 gallon (Juwel Rio 180) tank that will also contain bristlenose plecs, and maybe a couple of cories.
i wouldnt!depends on the betta really but the cardinals will nip at the betta and the betta could kill the cardinals because if their activnes and colour which they hate so i wouldnt try it.if you do have a spare 1gal handy incase it all goes wrong with it prob will -_-
I do have a spare tank if necessary.

Can you suggest any small, preferably schooling and bright tankmates that could accompany a Betta? I know its hard to keep them in a community tank.
Hard one!they dont like bright schooling fish really personally after about 3 falied attempts i would never keep a betta with anything accept from cories and ADFs
the cories will be fine witha betta and proberbly the plec but i dont know ive never kept them together before!White cloud minnows have been suggested but again ive never tried l depends on th individual betta some people can kep them with platys just luck i suppose i would NEVER use platys tried it and the betta died a day later :crazy: no guppies ether the bettas hate coourful fish with long tails.
I'm in a similar situation myself. My CT got really depressed in the 3 gallon I put him in, so he's back in the community with the cories. I'm probably going to add 4 more cories (to make 10) and then think of what else. He's pretty laid back though, so he shouldn't be aggressive.
I favor White Cloud Mountain Minnows as a schooling fish that can accompany Bettas. My Bettas have never bothered the White Clouds, and the White Clouds aren't nippers at all. As long as neither fits comfortably in the mouth of the other, then you should be fine.
Depends on the Bettas personality, and you can't second guess that in a LFS/LPS. We allow our little guys a chance in a big community tank, and if they can't settle thier aggression they end up in their own little house with a view. Its safer for everyones health. For instance, the Purple Marauder lives alone, and will always live alone. :sad:
But Mr Personality lives very well with gourami, angels, bn's, panda cories, rtbs's, guppys and rams. He does spend little time around the other fish but prefers to play in the various entertaining areas of the tank. Hes a happy fish though, and least likely to cause trouble. Personality. Its something generalisations don't take into account. :whistle:
I'd say you're safe with neutral colored community fish. I trust white clud mountain minnows and african dwarf frogs :) It's best to keep your betta by himself though, but if you want to try him in the tank, please, for the fish, stand by with a net and prepared tank.

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