Fish Crazy
I managed to get sucked into buying another tank, and another Betta....
But, after I put the Betta in his new home (and of course did all of the necessary things beforehand such as making sure the Betta was used to the water), he didn't seem to want to move. I obviously thought this was stress, and just ignored him for a while so that he could settle in. When I came back, he was still there. Then, he slowly sank to the bottom and flipped over onto his side. I managed to put in a Betta leaf bed that I had so that he could stay near the surface, but he is still unable to move. Is this temporary? Or does he have a swim bladder dysfunction or something like that? He is still breathing, but I don't know if he will be for long.... I really don't want to lose a beautiful Betta! ($5.00 too!