Betta tumor??? Help!

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May 16, 2020
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My betta has recently formed this bump on her side. It doesn’t seem to hinder her as she is still active, eats, and can get around. It does seem that her spine slightly curves when she swims a certain way. I’ve had her for over a year now. I’ve owned other bettas before but this has never happened to me. She was a rescue, got her from a friend’s neighbor who kept her in terrible conditions. I’m not sure if that could have effected her after this long? I’ve attached a few pictures, can really notice it from the top and not so much from the side. Please help!


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I cant say for the lump but she has dropsy. What are your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels? How often do you do water changes and how much water do you change each time? What size tank?
I cant say for the lump but she has dropsy. What are your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels? How often do you do water changes and how much water do you change each time? What size tank?
Unfortunately she has passed away over night. She was kept in a 5 gallon, water changes every 2-3 weeks or so, 20-25%. Same exact waters I had kept my previous betta that passed away from age. Just kept it running in the meantime. Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, and nitrates at 20ppm. Last month I changed her into a 20 gallon I had been cycling since January. It’s parameters are: Ammonia: a little under .25ppm (I have recently added two mystery snails), Nitrite: 0ppm, Nitrate: 5-10ppm, ph: about 7.0.

I’m not sure what could have caused her dropsy? I’ve never seen this in any of my fish so I’m not familiar with it
Yes it could have been a tumor. Sorry for your loss
Dropsy was probably poor water quality. In the future do 50-75% weekly water changes to help prevent it. That may not have been the cuase but larger water changes will help

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