betta tanks


Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK
hi all

just wondering what to put in my betta tank so can peeps help me by tellin me wat they hav in there tanks or even show pics

thanx alot
Do you want to know other tank inhabitants that can go with a betta or decorations?

Well, I have my Veil Tail in a community tank with some platies. Decorations in the tank include: gravel, a bunch of silk plants, and a few rock caves.
In my 10 gallon divided betta tank I have the following: gravel, a couple silk plants in each section, a couple lily (live) plants, and a terracotta pot in each.
The other betta tanks have gravel, a plant (either fake or live), and I terracotta pot.
jmaster said:
hi all

just wondering what to put in my betta tank so can peeps help me by tellin me wat they hav in there tanks or even show pics

thanx alot
Nothing but a filter. Makes it easier to clean. I'm trying out pebbles and plant, but it doesn't seem to be working out, so soon as the plant more or less dies, I'm keeping it a bare tank again. I think a lot of people put in colored marbles/glass marbles.

gravel and a plastic plant is suitable for a betta, but be sure to vacuum the gravel occasionally because you dont want leftover food rotting and sending the nitrate levels crazy :D
hope this helps
in my four 1G betta tank i put a little laye rof gravel, and some home-made fake plants.

In my ct tanks, i only have the fake plants (i didn't have anymore gravel), but i think the bettas perfer to have something in their tanks :unsure: that's just my theory though :)

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