Betta tanks


Jun 18, 2004
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Do betta tanks need to be cycled before the fish is put in? Also, Can I use my 5 gallon tank (just tank and filter) for the bettas? or would i need a new cartridge because of the brackish tank?

What would I need besides basic decor.. Would I need an air stone?
If its cycled thats great.
Throw some old gravel and some old media in and poof, instant cycle.
Be sure to put the fish in right away though because the bacteria need a source of ammonia.

It would be nice to throw in a heater as well. They'd really appreciate that.

An airstone is unnecessary. Just some gravel, some plants and a hidey hole and you're set.
the most important thing with bettas is that the water is de-chlorinated and in their temperature range. cycling is great if u can, but it isn't necessary. bettas absolutely love surface plants like riccia (don't get duckweed though), but once again those aren't necessary.

and like astroboy said, a heater is a good idea in tanks 5G and up
My tank is at about 84 degrees no heater, so I have to fan it now and then. :p
However, in the winter I will put the heater on it.
As long as the temp doesn't fluctuate throughout the day then thats fine. Temp changes can stress fish a lot.

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