Betta Tankmates?

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Fish Crazy
Jan 4, 2014
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I am thinking of getting a betta. Not for a long while though. As the postage is $20, I'd rather get all live animals altogether. I am going to have the betta in a 17G. It may be planted, and has a big piece of driftwood for the centrepiece. I am looking for a cheap schooling fish that I can have a few of in the tank as well, that will have a better chance of getting along with the betta. Thanks for the advice in advance.
I have kept guppies and neons in with bettas and as long as you have plenty of hiding spots and a good amount of plants they should get along just fine.
Really any fast moving fish seems to do ok and it helps if there's 5 or more so any aggression is spread out.
I keep neons with my betta Twilight. They get along fine, though he does chase them occasionally. I also have two mystery snails with Twilight. He leaves them alone for the most part, but he does like to stalk and stare at them.
TBH I wouldn't keep any schooling fish in that tank. It is quite tall and short, and you'd loose most of the schooling behaviour of the fish as they don't really have much room to swim.

Have you considered a few amano shrimps instead?
I'm in New Zealand, we have no shrimp. I am considering neons... or Harlequin Rasbora.  Fish ive kept in there in the past schooled fine.
IMO i would plant it first so you aren't rushed, cycle it and then decided on fish.
i would plant the hell out of it, make it a shrimp tank with nano fish and a beta as a center piece.
Platy, corydoras(need a sand substrate) aspidora, rasbora. basically any fish that are not nippy or small enough to fit in his mouth!
My suggestion
1 male betta 
5 corydora
3 male platy
LOTS AND LOTS of plants!
Berry, I've stated we do not have shrimp in this country. 
Im going to cycle, then add plants. Then wait a while, until the next school holidays, to order my fish. 
I have decided on one male betta (obviously :p) and 5 Harlequin Rasbora.
That's enough for me because that's a total of $40 of fish, and another $20 postage. 
I am getting at least four types of plants too. Lots of hiding spots.
What about chilli rasbora...from what I remember reading they stay pretty small.
Nope, don't have those here either. Im  happy with harlequins :)

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