Betta Tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 1, 2006
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My dream tiny tiny tiny...
Tank is a 5 gallon tank with a betta fish, an african dwarf frog, and some misquito fish. would that work?
thanks for help.
Sounds like a betta and an ADF would be happy together in a 5g. And I agree - No mosquito fish ;)
I would not suggest other fish. 5 gallons is a very small tank, and almost every other species of fish that might work with a betta is probably a social species, so it would be wrong to keep one of them, and one betta. What's more, bettas differ from most other fish species in their needs; they can not have strong aeration or filter current because of their heavy fins, yet the majority of tropical fish species require strong aeration and filtration. Finally, a five gallon tank is cramper quarters for most species; the betta would be more likely to attack other fish in a confined area, and vice versa. So, I think your best bet is a single betta, and an ADF. :good:
would it be safe to add shrimp? or something tiny like that?
Some people do add ghost shrimp. Depending on the betta, they'll either be ok, or they'll make a very expensive betta treat ;)
The only othr fish i can think of that could go in there would be a peacock gundeon if you wouldn't mind putting a piece or two of pvc pipe in your tank.
Ghost shrimp are cheap, so they'd be a cheap betta treat if things go wrong... no reason not to try it :). I buy live ghost shrimp by the bag as treats for my oscar, midas, and flowerhorn when they have been good sometimes, so you know they don't cost an arm and a leg.

A betta in a planted 5 gallon with an ADF and some shrimpies makes a very attractive tank, I say go for that. If your betta doesn't eat the ghost shrimp after a few weeks you could trade them in for some more attractive, more expensive shrimp if you want to risk it.
so would a betta, peacock gudgeon, an ADF, and some ghost shrimp work? Or is that to many? also ill plant it to add extra look
Ive got 3 little dwarf catfish with my betta in his 6 gallon. They look a bit like little cory's and they are great to watch they dont stay sill!! there only about 1cm in length :)
Ok i know I didnt start this but I have a question similair to that of the person that started this. I am looking to get a 2 gallon tank, I'm going to get a betta in it and of course some plants and stuff, even though its such a tiny tank, could i put an African Dwarf Frog in that tank or just leave the betta by himself?

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