Betta Tank Stocking


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Ok so I decided to move my bettas back to their original tanks again on Friday (after Cobolt got through divider and in with Gabriel)! As Cobolt had a 10 gallon all to himself I decided to add a filter and moved in my 5 emerald eye rasboras and a BN plec!

Do you think that this stocking is ok?
The rasboras are just under an inch and I've had them between 2-3 years (cant remember how long exactly) they were previously in with one of my other bettas so I know they're not fin nippers! I thought BN's only grow to about 5inches max but that can be rehomed in one of my other tanks if needs be! In that case what algae eater can I get instead I don't want snails!
the BN should be fine until it gets 3 inches+
watch out for the filteration on his poopy!

if you don't want a plec you could go for otos
i think the tank may be a little too tiny for corys, pygmy corys might work though
Oh well it looks like my little plec can stay in then (for now)! It's only about 1.5 inches, if and when it grows too big I'll just have to think about moving it out into my 2ft tank or even better get a bigger tank and more fish! I must admit I like ottos unfortunately whenever I've been after them the LFS seems to be out of stock hence why I have two baby BN's! Hmmm how many ottos could I keep in the tank?
As long as it is one BN and you keep the stocking to 6 small fish and a betta and do your water changes weekly and keep up your filter maint. you should be ok in the long run.
Yeah its only the one! THe other is in my other tank! And I keep up to regular water changes in fact the filter is only a recent addition to this tank as the LFS said I couldnt really add anything to eat the algae without a filter so the tank was having daily water changes previously but that was getting a bit too much!
Thats a relief! Luckily I don't have a common plec and don't think I'll ever have a 100g tank even though one never knows what the future holds!

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