betta tank may be contaminated


New Member
Mar 24, 2005
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arkansas, U.S.
I have three fish tanks, one of my ten gallons has just here recently showed signs of ich and internal parasite. My betta is in a 5 gallon. I do weekly 20 - 30 % w/c and have used the same gravel vac on all of my tanks, w/o disinfecting before doing do. I knew better. Anyway he has shown no signs, But the owner at the fish store recommened that I treat all my tanks. I bought para guard, because it is better for my tetras in one of my tanks. What do you guys think. Should I treat before signs or wait????
I'm leaning toward not giving meds until signs too. Anybody have other ideas on the matter. advice / ideas would be Much appreciated.
I would probably just do a little bit bigger water changes than normal on the tanks that are not the infected ones.

And I agree - unless you see signs of illness, I wouldn't worry about it.
Just make sure if you use the same net, tools for all tanks, make sure you soak the net in methelethyne blue and rinse out to prevent cross contamination. I think there is a product called Net soak, that has meth blue in it as well. I use one of the other when i can find net soak. It is hard to find.

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