Betta Tank Mates


Fish Crazy
Sep 12, 2013
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Ok, I have recently come to own a 200l that I've recently started setting up. This morning I discovered that my betta's tank was leaking and as I can't afford to replace it I've put him in the 200l tank.
I was thinking of reducing the number of tanks I had, so it isn't /too/ bad. If I just decide to keep Grima in the 200l, what kind of tankmates could he have? I'm aware that cories tend to be ok but I have gravel and don't want to deal with sand. Tetra are also a problem, they always bully the other fish I put in with them. I'd honesty prefer no livebearers either as I'm kind of sick of owning them.
The tank dimensions are 122x38x45
snails, cherry shrimp, african dwarf frog, white cloud minnows, bristlenose pleco. 
Oh yeah, frogs, snails and shrimp are no gos. Can't get them due to QT laws 
Shoal of oto or small cories would fit. I was going to say Kuhli loach but they like sand I believe.
I have a Betta with tetra. And i have zero bullying issues. Buy them in a big enough group and you wont see a problem. 
Other than that, i don't see much else that works with Betta
Livebeares in large numbers will gang up on Betta.
A Plec is possibly the best case senario, though they do make a lot of waste xD

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