Betta Tank Mates / Tank Size


Fish Gatherer
Feb 16, 2011
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Hi. I am thinking about getting a Betta (either a halfmoon or crowntail) and am thinking what I could house him with. The tank will either be a 30 or 40l cube. I have my eye on pygmy corydoras and microrasbora. I also want to experiment with plants and so the tank will hopefully be quite heavily planted including a carpet plant. Has anybody had any experience in keeping these fish with a Betta? If so, would a 30 or 40l be ok?
Pygmy cories 'should' be fine, i've kept them together before but its down to the individual betta really
Thanks. I will not be getting the tank until Christmas time (unless I see a really nice Betta before then), but I will try a shoal of 6 Pygmies in it. I will add them and any other fish first so that the Betta does not think that the whole tank is his.
Thanks. I will not be getting the tank until Christmas time (unless I see a really nice Betta before then), but I will try a shoal of 6 Pygmies in it. I will add them and any other fish first so that the Betta does not think that the whole tank is his.

thats the best way of doing it :good: dwarf cories seem to do better in groups of around 10
10 it is then :good:. I guess the 40l may be a better idea , especially if I want to add some microrasbora aswell.
They do look really cute :wub: . They have around a 100 of them in my local MA at the moment and I wanted some as soon as I saw them.
Watch community fish around Crowntail Bettas. IME these have been my most aggressive bettas and I cound't keep them with other fish. The exception has been Flare, the guy in my sig, who lived peacefully with Harlequin Rasboras, but I have to move the Rasboras toa tank better suited for them.
Watch community fish around Crowntail Bettas. IME these have been my most aggressive bettas and I cound't keep them with other fish. The exception has been Flare, the guy in my sig, who lived peacefully with Harlequin Rasboras, but I have to move the Rasboras toa tank better suited for them.

i got to agree there, i got a CT female 2 days ago, she's a right psycho! saying that i have 2 other Ct females that are fine, but i have found them more agressive than my HMs
Oh thanks for that. Which Bettas are generally less aggressive? The halfmoons have always caught my eye.
Consider choosing your substrate to have rounded gravel/sand/whatever; someone said in another board that his corys' mouths/barbels were injured/missing from probably a bad batch of gravel. Maybe try um, rubbing your hand over the substrate to see if it's sharp. When he did that during a replant his hand felt raw but he didn't think much about it.

I've heard veiltails are the least aggressive. Then again, everyone says it depends on the fish.
Consider choosing your substrate to have rounded gravel/sand/whatever; someone said in another board that his corys' mouths/barbels were injured/missing from probably a bad batch of gravel. Maybe try um, rubbing your hand over the substrate to see if it's sharp. When he did that during a replant his hand felt raw but he didn't think much about it.

I've heard veiltails are the least aggressive. Then again, everyone says it depends on the fish.
My Veiltails pretty much act stoned lol. They are so chill
I have had corydoras before so I know about the substrate, but thanks for the headsup. I want this to be a well planted tank, so was thinking about using JBL manado as the substrate, maybe with aquabasis underneath. Apparantly, this is soft enough for them and will not harm their barbels.

I have seen a really nice looking halfmoon on the betta boys site, but after reading another thread am not so sure if I will actually end up with the one I choose. Does anyone know of any shops that specialise in Bettas in the North West of England?
I think the problems were with kg bettas. Bettaboys is a member on here :good:

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