Betta Tank Help


New Member
Aug 12, 2020
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I am looking to get a betta today for my 10g tank. Is there anything I need besides a heater, filter, substrate that I had for my previous tank? Also is there any fish or invertebrates that would be able to live with a betta in a 10g or is it better to keep it just betta?
I am looking to get a betta today for my 10g tank. Is there anything I need besides a heater, filter, substrate that I had for my previous tank? Also is there any fish or invertebrates that would be able to live with a betta in a 10g or is it better to keep it just betta?
You could probably keep a nerite. 10 gallons isn't enough for much else.
id just do betta and perhaps a plain colored nerite (i have a boy who loathes colored nerites!).
Wouldn't risk shrimp, not even larger ones like Amano or ghost (my female betta tore apart my 2 inch ghost shrimp).
Sorry if you've said this elsewhere, but is the tank already cycled? If not I'd throw live plants onto the list.
Sorry if you've said this elsewhere, but is the tank already cycled? If not I'd throw live plants onto the list.
Using stuff from another aquarium, I assume they'd mean cycled, but this is an excellent option regardless :D

You can't have too many plants
I agree with the above, PLANTS PLANTS PLANTS! :lol:
Betta's love to have a hide too! A coconut hut, for example, is always well appreciated.
Also, something they can swim through like an arched shaped ornament or piece of wood- aslong as there isn't sharp edges they can catch their fins on!
You could always pick up a "Betta Hammock" too, I use them. Sometimes betta's can struggle getting to and from the surface to breathe with their long heavy fins, so a betta hammock really helps out for them to rest on.

We'd love an update with pictures too! Have fun!
I agree with others on plants, your Betta will appreciate live plants and maybe throw in a moss ball or two. A snail or two also works in most cases.
Agreed on live plants and snails.

You'll need a test kit like the API master liquid test set.
Do you have a thermometer, a gravel siphon and a bucket?

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