Betta Tank Advice


Fish Fanatic
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Southern England
Hi all

Had initially intended to start off with a community Juwel Rio 180 - but finances have fallen through a tad due to a relocation and so i've had to scale back my plans slightly.

Am now intending to get a Betta (possibly with a few companions) in a 10 Gallon or thereabouts. I've read certain things such as Pygmy cories may work - although the temprament of the individual Betta may be an issue.

I had initially considered the Rena Aquarama 60( Special offer price £59.99 ) over at - but they don't seem to have online ordering up and running yet.

I popped down to the local petsmart (am in the UK) and they had a variety of clear seal tanks so I did consider putting all the bits together - but figured it might be better if I stuck with a good starter all in one style kit. So thought i'd pop on here to see if anyone can recommend something. They also had their own starter kits, are these rebadged? Any good? Anyone got one? Pics ? :whistle:

I'm also interested in the noise of the filters that come with these kits - the quieter the better.

Whilst I realise I could get away with something smaller, i'd ideally like to put a few others in with the betta and have a proper filter / heat setup so I can get used to the process before saving up for my 180.... (one day... :-( )

Thanks in advance for any advice / recommendations


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