Betta T-shirts For Sale!


Fish Addict
May 3, 2005
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DeRidder, LA
Hey guys, I have a topic running in the Buy Sell and Swap section (T-SHIRTS ), but I just updated with a betta T-shirt, and thought I'd post it here for you guys to check out!

Check out my topic in the other section for ordering info and to see other designs! :D
Oh, and I can change the betta's coloring easily.
What's the website that it has on the t-shirts. I can't seem to read it, but the designs are wonderful. Be nice to have a slogan or something like "Fish are friends, not food."
What's the website that it has on the t-shirts. I can't seem to read it, but the designs are wonderful. Be nice to have a slogan or something like "Fish are friends, not food."

The website is I'm a freelance illustrator. It's my website, and it's currently under construction, but you can check it out if you want to. It's getting a facelift very soon, thank goodness! :lol:

I could add a slogan, if the person ordering it asked for one.
Maybe you could sell them on Perhaps set up a line of t shirts for the Tropical Fish Forums... Then they would produce the shirts based on your designs. Let them deal with the production and shipping, and you would just get the profit.
Brooke, it's free to sell on Aquabid :nod: I think you should list some there!

I'd buy one, but I don't wear t-shirts, only to bed :p Ooh la la!
Thanks for the suggestions, guys!

JolLtNbolt, I'll look into cafepress! With the printing company that I'm going through right now, they're $17+$5 shipping.

Wuv...I'm not even going to say what I wear to bed! :lol:
Thanks for the suggestions, guys!

JolLtNbolt, I'll look into cafepress! With the printing company that I'm going through right now, they're $17+$5 shipping.

Wuv...I'm not even going to say what I wear to bed! :lol:
I don't blame you! Apparently I'm a sicko for a tshirt.... ????
JolLtNbolt, I'll look into cafepress! With the printing company that I'm going through right now, they're $17+$5 shipping.

Wow that seems really expensive. Once I got t shirts made for this restaurant I used to work for, and I think they were only $8 each for 2 color printing. The great thing about cafe press is that they don't make the shirts until someone orders one... and basically you just get the profit, after the buyer pays for it.
JolLtNbolt, I'll look into cafepress! With the printing company that I'm going through right now, they're $17+$5 shipping.

Wow that seems really expensive. Once I got t shirts made for this restaurant I used to work for, and I think they were only $8 each for 2 color printing. The great thing about cafe press is that they don't make the shirts until someone orders one... and basically you just get the profit, after the buyer pays for it.
They're cheaper when you buy in bulk, that's why ;)

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