Fish Crazy
I recently put my 10 gal and 5 gal tanks side by side. CHeck my sig, i have a female in one and male in the other. They flare at eachother a lot, and stay near the glass where the other one is a lot of the time. The male is starting to show signs of mild fin rot. Do you think this is stressing him out? Should I put something betwen the tanks?
Actually I just installed a new filter, and the water is testing a little off. nitrate is 40, nitrite is 0, hardness is 120, alkalinity 80, ph looks ok - could this be the problem?
Actually I just installed a new filter, and the water is testing a little off. nitrate is 40, nitrite is 0, hardness is 120, alkalinity 80, ph looks ok - could this be the problem?