Betta Stocking


Fish Crazy
Jul 8, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago, Ill
I originaly went to this section of the forum because of dwarf gouramis, but after looking around I became interested in bettas. :p

I think my aunt has a 5 gallon plastic "tank" I think of it as a thing to put frogs you catch in the wild in. (ah fun 8 year old memories)

(i'm also assuming the 2 fish she had in there are dead beacuse I didn't see the tank out last time I was there, they didn't cycle it, and i'm betting the 4 year old decided to feed them in the morning when everyone else was asleep poor fishes :sad: )

But anyway back to the point. Will a 5 gallon tan be to small for a male and female betta, I'm also putting a couple plants in, mabey java fern.

are you going to divide the it,if so then you should have enough room because that would be 2.5g for each.
If you are planning to put a male and female betta in the tank, you may want to consider getting a divider for the tank so you don't end up losing either fish. I believe 2.5 gals per betta should be sufficient. I'm excited you're getting your first betta!
Hmm I didn't think I needed a divider, I thought the males were generaly peaceful to females I know they aren't towards other males and some fish their size and smaller.

I wanted more than 1 betta but they males kill each other and the females are less finny then the males.
the male will constantly harass the female because he wants...well you know :hey:
i also suggest a divider :)
Ahhh I get it so if I wanted no divider I would need a bigger tank and have to add anotther female or two so that they can each have a rest now and again.
pm sorrell about that. she has a tank with males and females. im sure it is very very well planted though.

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