Betta -Splendens


Fish Fanatic
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
gloucester uk
i was think of get anew fish and what betta then a Betta -Splendens :D :D :D
but in my tank i have guppys, neons, sword tails,and a clown loach
will it be ok.I have asked my lfs well a few in my area and getting mixed come backs
will the betta think my guppys are a male of the same fish a atack them
(i only have 5 males guppys if thats any more info)
please help i stumped :S
I'd keep bettas and guppies seperated. i tried it once with a betta that is mellow and got on fine in a community tank and he made quick work of the guppy. so fast I couldn't get the net in the tank quick enough to seperate them :-(
I agree with Tanked, i would not think they make good tank mates. Mine kept going for the fancy tails of the guppies, but luckily i was able to get the net before any more damage was done. Sandy
Same here - my Betta def does not like my Blue Fancy Guppys and kept going for them till I seperated them. Strangely thougn my Leopard Tails dont bother him at all !!!!!!

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