Betta Splendens, Male Guppies & Green Neon Tetra Compatibility


New Member
Feb 1, 2011
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I've just purchased a Cambodian Halfmoon Betta as my first fish in a Fluval Edge 23 litre (6 gallon) heated tank. I am now researching into my next purchases. I will be getting some Green Neon Tetra as they are small and seem to get along with everything. I will also get some Crystal Red Shrimp eventually.

My main question is, can I add 2 or 3 Fancy Male Guppies to the tank or would that be a problem with the Betta? I've read mixed answers all over the internet so hopefully someone can offer the usual high quality guidance fishforum tends to dish out.

If guppies are ok would 2 or 3 males be a good quantity? If they’re not a good tank companion for the Betta and Tetras can you suggest something else small and colourful.

Many thanks,

guppies are the worst where bettas are conserned there a definate no, although green neons are small i personally wouldn't put them in less than a 10 gal
I'm afraid I agree with lilfishie. Guppies and bettas are a no no. I've got green neons and they are quite an active fish.

6 gallons is very small; I'd be tempted to just have the betta and the shrimp. It would still be a nice looking little tank and should be nice and easy to maintain.
If your male guppy has super long fins your Betta will nibble at them. I put a white cloud in with my Betta and he attacked it, even though I read that they would get along fine. :huh:
from personal experience ive not had a problem with guppies and bettas. When i used to keep guppies all my bettas shared a tank with some at one point. I never had any problems. Just have a back up plan if you chose to try the combo in case things dont work out.

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