Betta Splenden And Guppies


New Member
Dec 28, 2009
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I was just wondering can you keep a SFF with guppies, i think ive read somewhere that they may think the guppy is another SFF but thought id ask if anyone has any experience of them.

As a general rule male bettas should not be kept with guppies as the long bright tails do tend to antagonise the betta and goad them into nipping and attacking.

On the other hand if you get your betta from a store who keep their males in with guppies , and all the fish are in good health with no ripped fins, then a betta from such a store is more likely to be ok with guppies as he will be used to them.
As a general rule male bettas should not be kept with guppies as the long bright tails do tend to antagonise the betta and goad them into nipping and attacking.

On the other hand if you get your betta from a store who keep their males in with guppies , and all the fish are in good health with no ripped fins, then a betta from such a store is more likely to be ok with guppies as he will be used to them.
agreed with above. however ive never ha a problem with bettas and guppies. maybe ive been lucky with my bettas and their temperaments over tiem, but the above scenario would be ideal if youd like to try this approach.
Thanks for the help. How about a female SFF would she be as intimidated by the guppies as the male or not?
Females do tend to be less agressive than males and would go better with guppies. Females can be kept with a greater variety of fish due to their calmer temperament and short fins. I have my girls in a community tank and they all get along just fine.

Depending on the size of your tank, if you want more than one female then get at least 4, as they do better in a group. One or two can be done with care and depending on the temperament of the girls, but if you're not used to keeping them then get a group and let them sort out their own heirachy. You'd need at least ten gallons for a group of 4-6 girls and a few male guppies ( plus a decent filter of course ) .
I had a male betta with 3 male guppies. it started off fine, but then the guppies got nippy and had to be re-homed.

Id say dont try it :good:
Ok thanks. Might try a female and keep an eye on her, if any problems im sure the lfs will take her back. They are just so pretty arent they.
I wouldn't risk it. My policy is never try a combination has a very real chance of you needing to rehome one of them - I don't think it's fair on the animals.

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