betta spawn

i assume that you've let her sit in a glass chimney for aboiut 12 hours and the male has a nest going right?

If yes, the time between releasing her and embracing could be up to or over 12 hours. I"ve had spawns where it took almsot 48 hours for them to embrace, and i've heard of somet hat took even later.

Itl'l definteily take more than 45 minutes :crazy: patience my friend :)
Lol, Bettas spawning is rarely a quick thing. It can take up to a week in fact. Most of my spawns happen within the first 2 or 3 days, never quicker though. Sit back and be patient :) I'm not sure why you thought it would take 10 minutes, pretty much any information you would find if you researched it (which I assume you have) would tell you it could take several days. Anyway, good luck and let us know how it goes.


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