Betta Show Pics


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
I had to split the pics into two threads there were so many :lol:
First of all... yay, I won Novice best of show male :hyper:

"Look mom, the man gave my bowl a pretty sticker"

"More stickers mom, see? :D"

"Rarr, I'm bigger than you, buddy!"

"I'm prettyful, huh mom?"

This one placed second

Another second place winner (red star)


Third place winner

Aaaand another third place, this one's female... bad pic :/

Entries that didn't place... I entered 10 fish total, but the pics of some came out blurry:



Here's the guy I bought for myself :D


Got this for a friend

And I bid on this guy, but got outbid... however, the winner has a matching female, took my email address, and says he'll send me fry in about 3-4 months :)
Pics look great. Love that one you bet on, too bad you didnt win. How was the convention?
awsome, i wish they had show where i live

do you have to be the breeder to enter a fish?

or can you enter ones you bouhgt?

how are the fry coming along from levi?

Well Done, lovely fish they deserved all to be first! I would be no good as a Judge 'cos I love them all. CT super though! :drool: :good: :good:
I had to split the pics into two threads there were so many :lol:
First of all... yay, I won Novice best of show male :hyper:

"Look mom, the man gave my bowl a pretty sticker"

"More stickers mom, see? :D"

"Rarr, I'm bigger than you, buddy!"

"I'm prettyful, huh mom?"
NICE.. Sweet!!! great presentation.. man yours are off the hook.. they look i gotta get me some.. :nod:
lovely lovely double tail. they are my favorites withouth a doubt, but that boy takes the cake. is he a PKDT? I like 'em best that way :drool:
Oh well done to you, sounds like you and your bettas had a good show :D

I like your new DT :wub:
awsome, i wish they had show where i live

do you have to be the breeder to enter a fish?

or can you enter ones you bouhgt?

how are the fry coming along from levi?

You can enter ones you bought in Novice, providing you have permission from the breeder, but to me it seems a little unfair really because it boils down to being a pro breeder's fish competing against a real novice breeder's fish, which isn't fair. I wouldn't like it if my little boys had to face up against something a pro that has multiple spawns at a time and produces far more fish than I do dished out, ya know? Some groups will do a pet class though, which would be fun I think; heck, I'd like to show off some of my pet boys, even my last VT male :)

The fry are coming along great, thanks for asking... maybe too great. There sure are a lot of them! :lol:

lovely lovely double tail. they are my favorites withouth a doubt, but that boy takes the cake. is he a PKDT? I like 'em best that way :drool:
Yeppers, plakats all the way, baby! :D
I'm so glad you had such a good showing at the show! In addition, congratulations on your new purchases.

Yeah, I agree that we should be getting some updates on Leviathan and Miss Blondie pretty soon. But wait until the craziness of the show has gone.

llj :good:
Congrats, Samantha! =D I heard about the results thru my club, and I saw your name on there! Your winner boy is so hunky, I hope you're gonna spawn him.

Btw, did you see or buy any Bettas owned by Echosaisis? He's in my club, and he won a bunch of Novice classes. I think he got reserve novice. I have a related pair from him ^_^
splashluff -- Yeah, I saw his fish there... they were mostly long-finned though, right? I'm only interested in plakats, and honestly didn't see much I was interested in buying this time, apart from the DT I bought and the red dragon I bid on. Lots of plakats, but no colours I wanted :/

Winner boy is definitely getting spawned, probably to one of his teeny tiny sisters I kept for the purpose. It'll be the last time before I need to outcross though, unfortunately. That'll probably mess up the whole "tiny bettas" thing for a while.
Congrats on your beautiful winners! I am lovin' your new additions, especially the DT...he's gorgeous :wub:

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