"No one is a failure unless you try"
This is just weird... I think my dt female is trying to wrap with my bichir
For the past five minutes or so she has been following him around the tank, trying to wiggle underneath him (I say him, but I actually don't know how to sex a bichir.) He just kinda gradually eases away from her like "wtf??" I've noticed her flaring at him before too, so could it be possible she thinks he's a betta? Maybe she's just trying to be friends..........
In any case, this is hilarious to watch!
For the past five minutes or so she has been following him around the tank, trying to wiggle underneath him (I say him, but I actually don't know how to sex a bichir.) He just kinda gradually eases away from her like "wtf??" I've noticed her flaring at him before too, so could it be possible she thinks he's a betta? Maybe she's just trying to be friends..........
In any case, this is hilarious to watch!