Betta`s And Planted Tanks


Big and BAD!
Jan 20, 2006
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i`m thinking of doing a heavily planted tank stocked with a single betta and some amano shrimp,

will the betta be ok with this as i`ve never kept one before and just doing some research,

its only a small 3 gallon hex tank
A betta in a 3 is fine.
Plants for the betta are great.
Amanos coud be lunch for a betta- not 100% sure on that point though.
depends on the betta on if it will eat shrimp some do some don't.

but other then that sounds great sounds alot like what i'm doing planting a 3g with a single betta lol.

i'm going 2 do that.(just need 2 get a light)
lots of riccia(tied down), bit of java moss and fern and some duckweed or water luttice!
1 betta!
3 cherry shrimp!

i need to get a better light for the tank and also do some research to find a decent co2 unit for such a small tank.

i`ll go hit and miss withe the shrimp and the betta,

where can one order betas from? as i`m waning a nice crown tail
A large Amano shrimp might work - but more than 1 you won't be able to fit in. They can be very active - and remember if you don't have a lid, it will jump (as will the betta).

Try KG Bettas - but not sure when he will have stock in again. He usually has some stunning ones :)

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