Betta Resuce


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Feb 5, 2004
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Kudelstaart (Amsterdam) (The Netherlands)
Ok i have rescued three bettas, 1 male and two females. they were in a tank the size of cola bottle. with 10 others. the male was ok but all the females had most of their tales bitten off.

Will the fins grow back??

i have placed all three in my 54ltr tank and they all seem to be keepin gto them self laying on the bottom of the tank or wedging them selfs in the plants.

If they do survive will tey breed in a comunity tank?

Im not going out to specificly breed them but would they?
There's a chance they could breed...but I wouldn't want to be the 'other' fish if they do! The male will be territorial to protect his nest and he'll more than likely go on a killing spree.

The fins should grow back provided the tanks current isn't too heavy.

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