Betta Replacement

Junior Gent

Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2011
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Unfotunately i lost my beloved Betta yesterday, showing no signs of illness in previous days i returned home from work to see him spiralling around the bottom of the tank, with very enlarged eyes. I swiftly called my LFS which is very good and they advised me to get a cure for a bacterial infection. By the time i had returned he was gone. As devastated as i am i need to replace him to fill the hole.

So sob story aside i need some ideas to get me excited again after my blow. Ive got a 30 litre tank, two male endlers, two dwarf green aquatic frogs, and a bristle nose. I could go back down the Betta route, as he was so much fun, but i would like to know if there are any other options for a sort of showpeice fish. Any ideas?

thanks JG
Sorry to hear about your betta
It's horrible when you have no time to act. First of all I would do a big water change and keep an eye on the tank for several days. Did you test your water to see what could have caused your betta's illness?

Secondly, a 30 ltr tank is far too small for a bristlenose pleco; although these are a smaller species of pleco, they do still get quite chunky. I would really look at upgrading your tank or re homing him, especially with the two frogs as well. Plecos are poop monsters- they create hell of a lot of mess in a very short amount of time, and could effect water quality. I wouldn't recommend adding any more fish to the tank until you can move the pleco as he will be adding a huge amount to the bio load :)
So ive since found a home for Mr Bristle nose, ive now got two options of moving forward

Current stocking is 2x Male Endler, 2x green african dwarf frog

1st option is add a Betta and another Endler
2nd get a Honey Gourami and a couple of guppys

I don't really know anything about them, but what about Killifish?
I know very little about killifish? Would they be suitable for that size tank? are there any specific killifish species i should be looking out for?


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