Betta Questions


Mostly New Member
Nov 4, 2013
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I have a half moon betta got him about three months ago but I really want too put him in my community tank, I have seven guppy two male 5 female one got eaten while I was away, and I have a colored skirt tetra I'm not sure if its ok with the tetra. At the pet store there telling me it's ok but I had put my tetra in quarantine because she wasn't swinging like she normally does I put her next too my betta tank an he started to flare an get aggressive so I'm jus wandering if he will act the same in my community tank ??
You should not mix bettas and guppies as they will mistake the guppies for other male bettas with their colors and long flowing tails.
Your tetra needs to be kept in groups of 6+, if not kept in suitable numbers they can become nippy which of course you don't want with your betta. I'd keep him in his own tank.
General mixing rule would be to introduce the more aggressive fish last into a well-established, (in terms of territory and hierarchy), community tank.

I've kept hundreds of male bettas throughout the years and upon introduction in a community tank, the bettas are usually the ones who gets beaten up. Not the otherway around as most people think that 'fighting' bettas are very aggressive. Not! Think again.

Bettas are best alone or with their own kind, in their own tank.

Bettas often get aggressive with other fish that have long flowing fins (guppies for example), regardless of their species. So if you really want to keep your betta in a community tank you should keep him with small, non-aggressive fish like neon tetras.

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