Betta Questions


Jul 27, 2003
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Idaho, USA
Okay I got my betta last Monday, the 10th. I got him from Wal-Mart in one of those cups. He had the tight fins that they always have when you get them out of those cups. But when he flares his fins spread out and look normal. but when ever he is just swimming around, they are pretty much clamped tight. Here is a picture showing how it looks.


So, is there anything I can do to get him to relax his fins? I can't imagin it is good for him to have them tight like that all the time.

And my second question is about his bubbling. Don't most bettas when they are making bubble nests make a patch of bubbles, in a corner or something? When I went in the room earlier today, the top of his water looked like this:


I didn't know if he is just unorganized or if there is something wrong with the water, or something else. Then I went in a few hours later, and all those bubbles were still in the same spots, but he had also made a bubble nest in the corner.


So, are the random bubbles okay? Is it just him figuring out how to build a nest or is it something more than that? And if he is happy (since he did build an actual bubble nest) I don't understand why his fins are still clamped.

any help is appriciated! :fun: Thank you in advance!
Sometimes poor water quality with cause their fins to wilt and clamp a bit. Good quality water, and swimming room will have his fins looking healthy again in no time. Maybe adding a small pinch of salt when you do water changes will help as well. As for the bubbles a lot of my boys have random scattered bubbles, I'm really not sure why they do it, but its normal. He's a cute guy. Hey I do have a question for you, my friend who was supposed to take Jesse backed out. Are you still interested in him? :D
bettabum pretty much said it all. though i beleive that the random patches of bubbles are just from inexperience or the fact that he may be swimming through his nest and spreading the bubbles out. it is nothing to worry about. it should straighten out with time and experience. if it doesn't well... you know he might not be the best for breeding (though i doubt you will being he's a VT)
Yeah, I have NO plans what so ever to breed him. 1. he is from Walmart... :blink: :crazy: not top breeder quality if you ask me. 2. I have no time or space to take care of babies. 3. I would be scared to put the female in with a male cuz I know sometimes they fight....

The water quality is good. I change his water every 2-4 days. I will put some salt in today when I change his water, hopefully that will help him. He swims around alot and seems happy besides his fins being tight like that. But they worry me like that. :/ Thanks for the help guys!

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