Betta problem

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Richie Lucas

New Member
Feb 18, 2005
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Got a new betta around 2 days ago to go in an already cycled 5 gallon tank with all water tests showing all good.

He's been in there two days now, and he has lost pretty much all of his fins and has developed white spot. His breathing has also increased and he will no longer flare at the mirror.

Any ideas? :( like i said water tests are showing perfect)

Nitrite 0.5
Nitrate 0
Ammonia 0
P.H. 7.4
it is probably just the stress of moving to a new home. treat for white spot and fin rot. his breathing is probably due to the white spot.
it helps to raise the tank temp to 80+ for a few days to help speed up the developement of the white spot cysts as they can only be killed once they drop off the fish and hatch in the substrate.
you can't kill white spot while it is on the fish. always treat as recommended on the bottle. i always treat for a few days after the last spot has gone.
Need to do a water change to you have a nitrite reading, can you add an airstone for extra aeration as with the heavy breathing and the med will take 02 out of the water.
I just did a water change and added some salt and raised the tank temp.

Just a thought, i think when i did a water change before i put him in there, i added too much dechlorinator (i mean like twice as much) by accident and forgot that i did it and put the water in. Would have this caused me these problems?
Well stress can cause an outbreak of whitespot, but don't blame yourself to much, try a salt bath for the fins and it will help with the whitespot to, one tablespoon to a gal.
Its quite worrying :( he's gone from this:


To this:


Poor little guy that's awful, when they have whitespot they can get second infections like finrot, hope he pulls through as he looks in a bad state at this moment.
Is the white colouring on his back in the last 2 pictures fuzzy? If so it could be columnaris which needs antibiotoics as well as something to treat white spot. Tetracycline is good for treating columnaris.

Another symptom of columnaris is the fins can become tattered. If it is columnaris it can kill fast. I have lost 5 fish within hours to it. It needs to be treated right away.
Looks like columnaris to me, I lost a really beautiful female to that. I'd treat him fast! Hope he's feeling better soon!
Sorry R.I.P.
Ive taken the divider out, decided just to have the one to go into the 5 gal i was worried that the white one that died had got 2 bored :(

So we now have a new boy in there whos very pretty, im still upset about the other one as i really liked him :byebye:

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