Betta Plants Advice Seeked


Fish Herder
Sep 20, 2020
Reaction score
Pacific Northwest, US
I just adopted a Veil Tail Betta named Morocco, sweet little guy, friendly and spunky. The day after I got him I noticed his fins totally shredded and I think he did that by swimming in and out of the hornwort checking all the nooks and crannies in the tank. I thought hornwort would be fine, but he happened to be one of the ones that hornwort does not work for.

I have already removed it, and his fins are looking better, at least no further shredding. I am doing daily water changes of 50% to avoid bacterial infection. It is a cycled 5 gal. tank with filtration (sponges added to filter for protection):
pH: 7.0
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrites: 0 ppm
Nitrates: 0 ppm
KH: 80 ppm
GH: 60 ppm
Temp: 78F

My question is, can I put Pearl Moss in the tank? I currently have a Java Fern and am looking at getting tissue culture Anubias and Bucephalandra. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Also, I prefer Epiphytes.
My Betta loves Anacharis. Not only does Anacharis look great, but the Bettas like the soft leaves. I find mine rest in on them.
And here is Morocco in his newly redecorated home. He made a new bubble nest since I destroyed the other one while adding the plants. He killed a shrimp in retribution.

I hope you already got your betta a nice plant to rest on and play with. Mine loves the Moss Balls, it's an unusual addition to my tank, and my betta uses them as resting places and often pushing the moss balls around like footballs. Plus, they don’t require maintenance. This is a great plant too because they absorb nitrates.
That's hornwort.

I really like crypts for betta tanks. Soft, exotic looking, and fairly easy to grow. Not at all epiphytic, though. :)
oh... so theres 3 types of hornwort in my river... and anacharis, and some weird plant that looks like crypts
I am challenging myself to keeping two tanks with epiphytic and floating plants only. Just for fun. I have, and love, crypts in the other tanks.
can you explain epiphytic plants in aquariums? i know what they are in like trees but not in aquarium
They will grow attached to hardscape or other plants. Can't go in substrate or they will rot. I like them because I can have a very thin substrate and not have to deal with tabs.
The equivalent of orchids and moss.
You've already meantioned java fern, anubias and buclephalandra but there's also Bolbitis heudeloti. Until a couple of months ago I had only epiphytes and floating plants - the ones you list and Bolbitis. In the last couple of months, I have got a few crypts in addition to the epiphytes..

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