Betta Pineconing


Fish Crazy
Jan 1, 2012
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Tank size: 10gal, divided
pH: around 7
ammonia: 0.00
nitrite: 0.00
nitrate: 0.00 (I unfortunately own a very innacurate testing kit that supposedly tests 3 in one, and I am unable to get it tested anywhere where I live)
kH: n/a
gH: n/a
tank temp: 80F

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
My betta's abdomen has become very swollen and he appears to be pineconing (also a large cut on his lip). He has slowed down quite a bit, and I'm assuming it's the late stages of dropsy, unfortunately.

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
25% weekly (50% done yesterday)

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
-Seachem Flourish
-Seachem Prime
-Seachem Stability (occasionally)
-Aquarium salt (not frequently)

Tank inhabitants:
-male betta, left side of the divider
-female betta, right side of the tank
-pest snails

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
-female betta a week or two ago, quarantined first
-a few Vallisneria Spiralis from my 75gal

Exposure to chemicals:

I have done as many water changes as I can do, and I even tried switching him to the more aerated side of the tank. I'm afraid of losing him, since he is the first betta I have treated properly, and I only want the best for him. (also sorry for the bad pictures, he refused to stay still because I had to brighten his tank to help you guys see it better)


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Nevermind, he passed last night. I'm unable to get my hands on any good medicines to counteract this, so it's always fatal. I wish my epsom dip helped him. I'm still unsure of the cause.
Sorry to hear that.
Sorry to hear that he didn't make it.  :(  Unfortunately dropsy is not easily "cured".  Dropsy itself is just a symptom of something else -- bacterial infections, bad constipation/bloating, trauma to some internal organs, ect.   Figuring out which one it is can be...difficult especially since once the fish starts to exhibit the typical "pineconing" dropsy symptoms there is limited time to do anything.
At this point, I suggest keeping a good eye on the female in the other side of the tank.  Since it is possible that your male died because of some bacterial infection there is cause to be concerned since that would have been shared in the divided tank.
I have a feeling it was a mix of stress and possibly high(er) ammonia and nitrites (pest snails are nice for food cleanup until the feces piles up
), but I immediately did 50%+ water changes for the days I noticed the symptoms. Definitely going to do a water change more around 70% this weekend and remove the divider. So far the female looks good, but I'll definitely keep an eye on her. Maybe I'll be able to remove most of the snails as well.

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