I finally got pictutes of all of my bettas, between bad pics and constant dead camera batteries it sure wasn't easy!! But please let me know what you think of my guys (and girls) Thanks!!
This is Alex, Hes the first betta that I ever got, he's the one that started it all
This is Loki, Betta #2, I love his coloring
This is Damien, Betta # 3 can't u tell hes my favorite? lol
(I love this pic, the flash was off and you can really see his coloring)
Gabe, is apparently camera shy and hides, this is the best pic I could get
Fable: He's my new baby, just got him on wednesday, he was so cute and scared I just had to get him, I'm not sure how old he is though, he looks really young, 2 months maybe.
The Girls:
I only have 2 girls at the moment, but they're both very mellow and live in harmony in a 10 gallon with 3 swordtails and an emerald cory.
Mercury: She's my baby, she swims up to my hand and curls around my fingers, shes just so sweet and has the most personality I've ever seen in a fish
Mystique: Mercury treats her like a little sister or something they're inseperable, and mystique is completely infatuated with the cory.
I hope you liked the pictures!!! Comments would be great!! Thanks

This is Alex, Hes the first betta that I ever got, he's the one that started it all

This is Loki, Betta #2, I love his coloring

This is Damien, Betta # 3 can't u tell hes my favorite? lol

Gabe, is apparently camera shy and hides, this is the best pic I could get

Fable: He's my new baby, just got him on wednesday, he was so cute and scared I just had to get him, I'm not sure how old he is though, he looks really young, 2 months maybe.

The Girls:
I only have 2 girls at the moment, but they're both very mellow and live in harmony in a 10 gallon with 3 swordtails and an emerald cory.
Mercury: She's my baby, she swims up to my hand and curls around my fingers, shes just so sweet and has the most personality I've ever seen in a fish

Mystique: Mercury treats her like a little sister or something they're inseperable, and mystique is completely infatuated with the cory.

I hope you liked the pictures!!! Comments would be great!! Thanks