Betta pics of my New betta


Fish Herder
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada Name: Rich
sorry for the mess but its my computer desk he's on and it wouldn't be a true computer desk if it wasn't messy :p , sorry for the blurryness of them to i had to shrink them because i have my camera set to take the best quality which are huge :crazy:

notice the tip of my pen in this pic, well :blink: he hates it lol, thats how i get him to flare



now can a tail expert tell me what kind he is cause his tail doesn't look like my other 2 bettas tails and they are VT's, if needed i can get a better picture
he is lovely :wub: he looks like a delta to me :) maybe a superdelta if he's not fully flared out in the first picture :wub:
He's Lovely, Very Nice Coloring.

Looks like a Super Delta.
The name, i did a Google search on boy names and i got Aiyana which means something but i forget what :*)

ok here we go

Origin and Meaning of First Name Aiyana
What is the ethnic origin?
American Indian

What does it mean?
Eternal bloom.

What's the gender (commonly)?

:rofl: so i guess he has a girl name but it doesn't make him any less of a man!
Very nice betta. Where did you find him? My LFS only sells VT and plakats :huh:
age = no clue

and i got him from Super Pet

their getting good cause i only used to see VT's but now theres the few odd different tail shapes showing up here and there

i meant all the fish stores around here not just super pet :)

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