Betta pellet food


Fish Herder
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
:/ I recently (last night) got my first Betta and bought the Tetra pellets for Bettas. Well I didn't really know what to expect when I opened the jar and found these tiny pellets in there.

How many do you feed at one time? I heard their stomachs are about the size of their 2 or 3 or a few?
i usually feed no more than 10 of these to my bigger betta. for two of my bettas, i just feed a pinch of the crushed pellets (basically that what the Top Fin Betta Bits are) since these are fine bits and dont' make a big mess. the pellets on the other hand, if uneaten, will expand and lay on the gravel and look gross :sick: , so i hand feed these to the bigger betta, one at a time, and he has to eat it before i give him another. he seems to lose interest after pellet 10 so i have used that as a rule of thumb for feeding him. you might want to try with 3-5 to start and see how much he's willing to eat in one session............... jmo
chunk the tetra and pick up some Hikari Gold betta bites

Feed however much he'll eat within a few minutes,it's best to feed a pellet at a time until you learn how big his appetite is,mine eat about 10-12 pellets a piece

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