Fish Fanatic
HeLLo~! I have a 29 gal community tank well planted with the following fish...
4x Ghost Shrimp
3x Blue Gourami
2x Long-Finned Zebra Danio
2x Fancy Guppy
1x Red Tail Shark
My friend told me a Betta would do good in my tank and wont attack the other fish... is this true?
If so I'm off to LFS and getting a nice blue Betta
4x Ghost Shrimp
3x Blue Gourami
2x Long-Finned Zebra Danio
2x Fancy Guppy
1x Red Tail Shark
My friend told me a Betta would do good in my tank and wont attack the other fish... is this true?
If so I'm off to LFS and getting a nice blue Betta
