Betta not good


Fish Crazy
Oct 12, 2004
Reaction score
:byebye: :-( My betta which i got 3 days ago is looking very ill, he has like a white outline on his lips which im guessing is mouth rot right? I am going to get treatment just wanted some advice is there a chance he will still make it. Quite lifeless just sorta hanging at surface. -_- Any advice be good thanks!
He has a fighting chance, as it sounds like you've caught the problem early. :thumbs: The disease may be fungus, mouth rot or a combination. Look closely: is it raised and fluffy? Is there any chance it could be his natural colouring?

To keep stress down, add some aquarium salt to his tank along with the meds. Also, if the tank is filtered, remove activated carbon if you use it - it will remove the meds.

I hope he recovers... :unsure:
Thanks well it sort of very white where as he is red and it like cotton wool on the upper and lower of his mouth! Um so which meds do you think i should use and am i ok to dose the whole tank? :/
what else is in the tank? what size is it?

edit : I assume it is some sort of community which is why you are asking if you should dose the whole tank?
well i got him in a seperate floating tank but that within the community :/
And this morning i used liquisil general tonic can i then use a med for mouth rot?
-_- Ok i have a seperate little tank but it is not set up am i able to add some tank water to it and put him in straight away? :blink: Also would it need heater i have a small one?
if your room is central heated, a small bowl won't need a seperate heater.

isolate the poor thing, i presume existing tank water should be ok, and treat with anti-mouth rot (fin rot) and aquarium salt, i think that'd do it.

not much else you can do.
I dont know if you can get this product or not but it is called betta max. It does wonders for bettas.
Why do you have a betta with gouramis and tetras? :blink: they will nip, chase, and harrass the poor thing to death you should take the betta out and keep him out because that might be why he got sick from the stress.

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