Betta Not Getting Any Better


Apr 22, 2005
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Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK
I posted a thread a few weeks back about my male plakat which may have been attacked by another fish (suspected culprit taken back to LFS). But the injury isn't getting any better, infact it's started to go a white colour and flash (plakat) has taken to flopping at the bottom of the tank until feeding time where he's back to his old self again.

I'm worried as I don't want to loose him but should I perhaps put him in a breeding trap - or any other suggestion?

I posted a thread a few weeks back about my male plakat which may have been attacked by another fish (suspected culprit taken back to LFS). But the injury isn't getting any better, infact it's started to go a white colour and flash (plakat) has taken to flopping at the bottom of the tank until feeding time where he's back to his old self again.

I'm worried as I don't want to loose him but should I perhaps put him in a breeding trap - or any other suggestion?


Does he have a lot of wounds ? how's the fin, tail ? his color is getting pale ?

What I do is I just put salt and do 20% water change everyday and don't feed the sick betta that much. IAL helps a lot and sun bathing too.

I hope your Plakat will be better soon.
I've been treating the tank with melafix and flash seems to be a little bit more active. I thought about putting him in a breeding trap to keep him out of harms way (I'd probably put in some java moss as he loves to wedge himself into it) - do you think that is a good idea or would that stress him out?

There shouldn't be any other fish that would go for him (original injury I think was caused by a male crib.... yes I know, bad choice! That pair are long gone!)

Have been feeding his favourite, blood worm and freeze dried food every other day and at a reduced amount.

Is there anything else I should be doing?

His 'bump' seems to change from being the same colour as his body to a white or gunky looking white/grey.

I'll try and get a picture but flash is a bit camera shy!! :wub:
Is the white patch fuzzy, or fluffy looking?? Do you have anywhere outside of the main tank where you could isolate him incase hes developed something contagious, you don't want him infecting the rest of the tank.
I wouldn't say it's fuzzy, perhaps slimey. I do have a couple of 2 gallon tanks, should I put him in there with the water from my other tank and treat with meds? If so which one do you suggest?
Thanks Jol, is that found in any of the regular LFS meds? i.e. interpet etc... There isn't a great selection when you live on a piddly island!

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