Betta Not Eating


Jan 11, 2005
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I'm very concerned about my betta. He used to be such a pig and now (for the past 7-8 days he refuses to eat. I think at most he's consumed 2 or 3 pellets in the past week.) He gets very excited when I approach the tank but when I drop a pellet in he'll take it and then spit it right out. After that, he won't even try any other pellets I drop in.

This all started after I rearranged his tank - which consisted of changing some of the plants and adding a small piece of driftwood and a different rock. The water is testing fine - no ammonia, no nitrite and low nitrates. pH is 7.2. The tank is filtered and heated.

I'm afraid he'll die soon if he doesn't eat. :-(

What can I do to get him back to normal?
I'm very concerned about my betta. He used to be such a pig and now (for the past 7-8 days he refuses to eat. I think at most he's consumed 2 or 3 pellets in the past week.) He gets very excited when I approach the tank but when I drop a pellet in he'll take it and then spit it right out. After that, he won't even try any other pellets I drop in.

This all started after I rearranged his tank - which consisted of changing some of the plants and adding a small piece of driftwood and a different rock. The water is testing fine - no ammonia, no nitrite and low nitrates. pH is 7.2. The tank is filtered and heated.

I'm afraid he'll die soon if he doesn't eat. :-(

What can I do to get him back to normal?

You might try another type food. Maybe some bloodworms would peak his interest. Hope he eats soon!
bettas are notorious pouters so he may just be miffed about the changes. He should get over that in a few days time. As long as he isn't showing any other signs of sickness i would't worry too much as they can go a long time without eating.
Yea he's probably just confused about the changes and has to settle in all over again. He'll probably eat soon just keep trying and like someone else said, try to change the food.

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