Betta news, and questions!


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
My new guy hasn't seemed exactly happy lately in his little filtered gallon azoo tank. :/ He hadn't eaten since I got him (Saturday), and he certainly didn't swim much. However, tonight I was trying to feed him and clean up a little bit with the baster, so I turned off the filter. I threw in some BettaMin and ooooooooooh! He ate!! :thumbs: And boy did he eat! lol, I had dumped in quite a bit so he'd make sure too see it and hopefully be tempted, and he just kept on grabbing more - ate almost all of it. Then I watched him for a bit without the filter on and he actually seemed happier. Maybe he just doesn't like the current... -_-.

So I'm contemplating getting him something that is around a gallon or so, and unfiltered. I want the big boy to be happy. Anyone have suggestions for good tanks? And what would be the recommended way to care for such a tank? All my others are filtered. Like... suck up crap a few times a week, and what, 50%? water change weekly? Any help with that is greatly appreciated.

I think this might be the way to go.. cuz if I get him another tank.. that means I've got an empty one... Do I hear betta #3 calling my name?? :lol: Anyways, we'll see though.. I'm leaving the filter off tonight to see how he's acting tomorrow, and maybe I'll adjust the flow even lower also.. do a little experimenting to see what he's happy with. Thanks all!
Then I watched him for a bit without the filter on and he actually seemed happier. Maybe he just doesn't like the current...

funnily enough the same thing happened to me..!!

my betta hated the current and spent all his time hiding in his cave, or behind rocks...I turned off the filter and he became a bit more lively and then fed him and he ate loads too....I left the filter off and came home the next day to see that he had blown me a bubble nest..! :D :D

he has been really happy since, swimming round and coming up to say hello and showing off his fins at me...

I've just got a 3g for my fry, but as soon as I figure out how to light it, he;s going in there and the fry can have his old 7g....! :D

congrats, hope your Betta is just as happy as Huey has become..! :D

Anyone have suggestions for good tanks? And what would be the recommended way to care for such a tank? All my others are filtered. Like... suck up crap a few times a week, and what, 50%? water change weekly? Any help with that is greatly appreciated.

As you can see, I'm no expert on Betta's, but that is the same question I asked and I got replies saying that what you have said above is the way to go..have a look at my post (betta in an unfiltered tank) to read the replies in more details, as I'm just as new to unfiltered Bettas as you! :D
Aww! It's great to hear that your little guy's doing better! :wub: I know that Petsmart sells some little unfiltered, gallon-size, triangle-shaped tanks for about $7.00, maybe that would be good.

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