Betta Names


Fish Herder
Feb 11, 2007
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Out of all your bettas which one has your favorite name? Mine is You Beta
I think mine would have to be Gabriel... although I also like Kenni and Kyle's names... after all, I picked them out :p
I love all my boys names but my favourite has to be Boromir, simply because the gorgeous Sean Bean played that character in the film! :drool:
Only got one; Dorian Gray.
If you've read the book by oscar wilde you'll understand...
Rincewind..... cos he's the only betta we have :rolleyes: :D

I prefered Binky as a name when he was still with us, he was all lovely and white :D
Only got one; Dorian Gray.
If you've read the book by oscar wilde you'll understand...

Isn't Dorian Gray in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, as well? Maybe based on that book. Anyway- I have 1 betta, and his name is Murry.
I like my betta that is my icon's name the best. Tonka. He died three years ago though. :(

Of the ones I have now, I like Swiffer the best. It really fits him.
Mine would have to be Tucker, Tyson( jaded nameed him) or Gypsy, i also like Bonfire

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